As they were both on their way to Crufts the meeting took place in Calais. The pups are expected
in the first week of May.
Vizara Likoma Lechaim
dob: 12-06-2005
HD: A ED and OCD: free
height: 66 cm complete detition
Italian, Austrian, VDH, Swiss, International,
Croatian, Slovenean & Montenegro Champion.
sire: Ch. Apalachee Umquolo of Pronkberg
dam: Sarula Gwiza
dob: 25-12-2002
breeder: Dr. Steph Potgieter (South Africa)
owner : Sara Venturelli (Italy)
HD: A ED and OCD: free
height: 68 cm weight: 45 kg
full dentition
This is the 56th day........... How long do I have to wait.........
This is day 56: 5th May at 18.30 Likoma is still quite relaxed
Her waters break at 19.30 And the first pup is born at 19.45
The pups arrive at regular intervals and the last one is born at 05.00 the next morning.
Likoma stays very relaxed during the whelping. After the 10th pup we give her 10 ml
Calcium. She has a total of 14 pups: 5 dogs and 9 bitches. One dog and 4 bitches are born
without a ridge. The others all have correct ridges, no kinky tails or DS. After the last pup we
administer 5 IE Oxytocin and 300 mg Augmentin.